Te Aroha College Te Aroha College

Physical Education L1

Course Description

Teacher in Charge:

Recommended Prior Learning

HoD Approval

Course Highlights: Physical Education covers the topics of anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, team games and motor skill learning using an applied learning context. You will have the opportunity to take a range of the standards listed above in a personalised learning programme at the discretion of the Head of Health and Physical Education.


Vocational Pathway: Primary Industries, Social and Community Services, Services Industries. 


This course can lead to: Level 2 course; Careers as a Teacher, Nurse, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, Army, Navy, Police, Ambulance Officer, Coach, Physiotherapist, Health Sciences, and Trainer. 


For more information, please see Head of Health & PE, Mr Bridgland.



Learning Areas:

Outdoor Education, Physical Education


Physical Education L2

Career Pathways

Diversional and Recreational Therapist, Actor, Personal Trainer/Exercise Professional, Air Force Aviator, Air Force Officer, Aircraft Loader, Zookeeper, Police Officer, Army Officer, Army Soldier, Building and Construction Labourer, Outdoor Recreation Guide/Instructor, Flooring Installer, Podiatrist, Chiropractor, Miner/Quarry Worker, Mine/Quarry Manager, Diver, Concrete Worker, Stonemason, Sports Coach/Official, Driller, Fencer, Firefighter, Ranger, Professional Sportsperson, Security Officer/Guard, Massage Therapist, Model, Navy Sailor, Navy Officer, Occupational Therapist, Parking Officer, Physiotherapist, Recreation Co-ordinator, Roading Construction Worker, Roadmarker, Roofer, Secondary School Teacher

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery